When comments are moved now also the reactions in those comments are preserved.
From moved comments, converted to replies, the arrow link was removed.
while trying to copy comments an error was generated, so this was fixed.
When a thread was set to not allow new posts, a comment link still appeared on comments.
So this was fixed.
Usually links are unfurled for all users in posts/replies but when a guest posts a link in a comment, just the URL showed.
So this was fixed.
From moved comments, converted to replies, the arrow link was removed.
while trying to copy comments an error was generated, so this was fixed.
When a thread was set to not allow new posts, a comment link still appeared on comments.
So this was fixed.
Usually links are unfurled for all users in posts/replies but when a guest posts a link in a comment, just the URL showed.
So this was fixed.